終於算成功整到好食又彈牙的魚蛋和魚餅, 和大家分享一下做法.
我爸爸媽媽的做法是直接加鹽落刴碎魚肉內, 再慢慢加水順一方向攪至起膠. 我以前照這方法覺得鹽和水份量都難掌握. 鹽不夠, 帶不出魚鮮味. 水不夠, 魚肉會太實.
在一本舊雜誌(已停刊, Family issue 2)中找到個人覺得比較易掌握的食譜.
自製煎魚餅, 魚圓湯
1.2 kg 鮫魚 (原條)
2 tsp 鹽
1 tsp 糖
1/2 tsp 白胡椒粉
100 ml 水
1. Slice fillets from the whole fish. Using a small teaspoon, scrape flesh off the skin and bones and place on a chopping board. Set aside skin and bones.
2. Mince fish meat finely (about 10 minutes). Mix salt and 100 ml water. Slowly add while mincing until you get a sticky paste. Add sugar and pepper.
3. Scoop up minced fish meat and throw into a clean basin. Repeat a few times to add air and give it texture. (撻幾下) Cool in the fridge.
4. Shape the fish paste into fish balls and fish cakes.
5. Heat oil in a frying pan on mid-heat. Fry fish cake until golden brown. Remove, drain on paper and arrange on a dish.
6. Fry skin and bones until golden brown. Add water and slices of ginger. Boil until you get a milky white soup.
7. Add fish balls to the soup. When cooked, they will float to the top. Add salt and pepper to taste.
1. 鮫魚 - 英文叫mackeral, 星馬地區叫tenggiri
2. 每條魚起出的魚肉分量會有差別, 建議不要一次過把全部鹽水加入魚肉內, 在加入八成鹽水後, 最好先試味 (煮滾一點水, 下一粒魚蛋煮熟)
Thanks for the recipe, will try it one day!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/12/2010 21:49:00]You're welcome. It's cold in HK now!
妳好! 多謝妳的隱世食譜!! 這是一直找尋的, 有了這食譜我可製作魚肉燒賣囉! 街外打好的有好多碎魚骨!! 我的朋友教我多次都失敗; 因為沒有份量! Thanks!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/17/2012 11:41:07]唔駛客氣.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/08/2012 15:10:44]試啦, 唔難架.