Thursday 31 December 2009

交功課 - foccacia roll

拖左好耐, 終於交功課喇.

之前見到Mommy Dearest整既 foccacia roll 好靚, 就問Mommy Dearest 可唔可以俾個食譜我. 佢好好人即刻俾我, 仲教我點樣可以做形後放雪柜作最後發酵.

星期一晚終於的起心肝整, 因實驗性質, 所以將原食譜份量減半.  但屋企冇啱size既方或長形盆, 只好用個圓模.  Mommy Dearest 已經提醒我冇KA會好嘥功夫, 不過都姑且一試.  結果用手搓真係好難, 水份已減但仍好痴手.  勉強撻到有少少薄膜就萛.

呢個係入爐前既樣, 搓麵團搓得太攰, 我連油都懶得抺, 响模上鋪紙就算. 

咁賢淑既我, 為左daddy 可以帶新鮮麵包返工做早餐, 星期二朝早六點就起身去焗.  由雪柜拎出嚟, 係咁二回温少少, 掃上蛋汁就入爐.  出爐就係咁既樣, 因為太早, 所以連廚房燈都唔敢開, 相用手機影, 有少少矇.

Mommy Dearest, 我交功課喇!  多謝你的食譜. 我覺得好味,  好香.  可惜用手搓真的太辛苦, 所以聽日小組新年聚會唔會整呢樣.


  1.  great job!!!
    I am sure if you had more time to let them thaw will be even MORE perfect, bravo bravo. 
    Even if you dont have KA, u can use a hand mixer with a bread hook to help you.  At least it will lessen your work.  Great, if you need any other recipes, let me know, glad to send them to you !
    [版主回覆01/04/2010 11:42:00]Thank you so much for that!  Surely I'll ask you for more recipes.  I do have a bread hook with my hand mixer but my hand mixer is rather 'antique' and the bread hook doesn't work very well.  Using my hands seem faster than using that bread hook.  I'll definitely try to make these again.  They tasted so good. 

  2. For this recipe , you can change it to toast or even any type of buns with filling, that is how I do it。 I really love the texture。


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