Monday 16 August 2010


新屋裝修我其實冇咩特別要求, 大致上都由室內設計師來設計, 唯有廚房我講明要和以前廚房差唔多的間隔, 因我用慣覺得好用, 而且一定要多地方儲物, 因為我實在太多嘢.

原本廚房很細, 我們把一幅墙拆了, 再起新的讓廚房大點.

爐頭, 抽油煙機和焗爐都花了很多時間去選.  乾碗機, 雪柜, 洗衣機和乾衣機就從舊屋搬來.


設計師跟足我的要求, 儲物柜高上到天花, 最上一層我要擔梯先拎到嘢.

怕不夠位, 加了一張可拉出的活動枱面, 用來放出爐面包就啱啱好. 

全屋花最多精神時間去諗去改草圖的就是這廚房, 好彩出來效果都好滿意.


  1. 嘩, 好正喎. 您麥野電器用品都有喎. 連乾衣機都有.  我見到個廚櫃個活動枱好正呀.  真係方便!  我成日話有個活動枱整麵包重好.
    [版主回覆08/17/2010 09:14:00]我個舊廚房嗰張活動枱仲正, 夠大俾兩個人坐低食飯架.  部乾碗機係貪得意買既, 結果都係用過數得出咁多次(七年內), 依家變咗係放囝囝奶樽和食具, 因為可以密封啲昆蟲之類入唔到去.  乾衣機係大減價好平時買, 好少用, 只係落雨天衫乾唔切先會開啫.

  2. 個活動枱好好喎! 係你唸定係設計師既主意?
    [版主回覆08/17/2010 09:16:00]梗係我既主意啦.    我成日整嘢食, 唔多啲工作枱面邊夠用喎.  啲設計師設計只求靚, 邊會加呢啲嘢呀, 我諗佢自己都唔煮飯既.

  3. 你個新廚房真好靚呀..煮飯都開心啲,比足心機煮定啦!我都有消毒碗機呀,不過真冇咩用喎,又阻地方,我一次都未用過,一見到架機就話AN唗$!
    [版主回覆08/17/2010 16:05:00]個廚房最緊要實用, 煮嘢食都開心啲.  個乾碗機係我要買既, 我老公以前都成日話我嘥錢, 依家有個新用途 - 烘乾和消毒玻璃樽用嚟整酵素.  你都咁用啦, 咁就唔駛話AN嘥錢囉.

  4. 好靚呀!煮飯都變成樂趣
    [版主回覆08/17/2010 16:06:00]係呀, 對我嚟講成屋最緊要個廚房, 廚房唔靚我會冇心機煮嘢架.

  5. This is my dream kitchen! You are so creative! I alway think there is not enough space for fresh make bakery.
    [版主回覆08/17/2010 16:08:00]No choice, need to crack my mind to come up with extra counter space.  Baking requires so many bowls, weighing balance etc. so needs extra space.

  6. 羡慕屎勒~~你廚房又靚又實用!!好正呀!!!
    [版主回覆08/18/2010 11:30:00]你個廚房夠靚啦, 仲夠整齊簡潔.  我既多嘢比較亂, 不過冇法啦, 有五個人一日又至少煮兩餐, 無可能吓吓去執. 

  7. 你的新廚房好正呀 !! 設計得非常好, 完全可以善用每一個位置, 空間又夠大.....PERFECT!! 羨慕喔 !
    [版主回覆08/18/2010 14:58:00]花咗好多心血的, 個設計師都頂我唔順, 成日嘈佢要咁要咁.  但係個廚房對我嚟講非常重要, 絶對不能馬虎的.

  8. 嘩!  你個廚房設備齊全,證明主人家梗係位廚藝高手, 真羡慕!
    [版主回覆08/18/2010 20:27:00]就係唔係廚藝高手先要多啲包裝嘛. 

  9. loveaggieforever18 August 2010 at 15:52

    OMG..... what a nice and open kitchen... as big as kitchen in USA la.... very nice!! envy~~ You house must be very big la~~ wish i can have a kitchen like that.. ^^
    [版主回覆08/18/2010 15:55:00]It's actually not that big, nothing to match those in US.  It's probably the white color that makes it look big.  I have to sacrifice store room space to have this size of the kitchen.

  10. 個廚房好靚, 好實用, 一定有好多美味食品源源供應....
    [版主回覆08/18/2010 20:29:00]食品肯定源源供應, 好唔好食就唔知啦. 

  11. loveaggieforever19 August 2010 at 08:02

    I understand what u mean.... couter top space is limited but the feeling is very spacious and roomy..... open kitchen is always nice!! but of coz.... the power of the fan has to be big for me... ^^ its a very lovely kitchen~~ if i have the money i would love to have a kitchen innovation la~~
    [版主回覆08/19/2010 09:02:00]Oh it's not an open kitchen.  It has a glass wall and a glass door.  It's important to have a powerful hood for Asian cooking.  I chose the one that has the highest suction power in the range.

  12. loveaggieforever20 August 2010 at 02:33

    i see.... so its a room?
    [版主回覆08/20/2010 10:54:00]Let's say it's a normal kitchen with a glass sliding door.  When I need to do heavy cooking, I can close the door so the oily fume won't spread to the rest of the house. 

  13. 你個廚房真係好正,  設計得好靚呀.

  14. loveaggieforever21 August 2010 at 16:00

    thats great!! seems so pretty..... i hope that one day i can design my dream kitchen...

  15. 人生苦短,勉力使其美夢成真
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