上次哥哥拿了成綪表後大概一個星期左右(即十一月尾), 教育部來信告知哥哥成綪在學校全級排名頭25%, 所以給他一張Edusave Certificate of Academic Achievement 作鼓勵. 除此以外, 頭25%還可以申請政府助學金(Edusave merit bursary), 不過, 只限低收入家庭, 我們不合資格, 不能申請. 雖然沒奬金, 但有張奬狀留作紀念也不錯啦.
想不到十二月又收到教育部另一封信, 這次是通知囝囝拿了Good Progress Award (進步奬), 可以去領奬.
星期日就是頒奬日, 頒奬地點就在屋企對面藍球場旁邊的空地, 領奬的全都是住在同區的學生.
由我住這區的國會議員頒的, 囝囝接過奬狀好開心. 其實直至那天上午囝囝都不知道自己拿到奬哩 (我們沒告訴他), 所以有點驚喜, 但沒太大興奮, 因為他也攪不清到底是什麽奬, 為什麽會拿到.
Good Progress Award (GPA)
If your child has made significant improvement in his academic
performance, he is eligible for the Edusave Good Progress Award if he
does not qualify for the Edusave scholarship or receive the Edusave
Merit Bursary. The Good Progress Award is given based on the extent of
his improvement in his school’s overall examinations of the year, over
the previous year.
The awards are given to a maximum of 10% of students in each level
and stream in every school from Primary 2 onwards. Students in Primary 1
are excluded from the scheme as there is no basis for comparison. Your
child will be selected by his school for this award at the end of the
year if he meets the criteria.
The value of the awards are as follows:
想不到十二月又收到教育部另一封信, 這次是通知囝囝拿了Good Progress Award (進步奬), 可以去領奬.
星期日就是頒奬日, 頒奬地點就在屋企對面藍球場旁邊的空地, 領奬的全都是住在同區的學生.
由我住這區的國會議員頒的, 囝囝接過奬狀好開心. 其實直至那天上午囝囝都不知道自己拿到奬哩 (我們沒告訴他), 所以有點驚喜, 但沒太大興奮, 因為他也攪不清到底是什麽奬, 為什麽會拿到.
Good Progress Award (GPA)
If your child has made significant improvement in his academic
performance, he is eligible for the Edusave Good Progress Award if he
does not qualify for the Edusave scholarship or receive the Edusave
Merit Bursary. The Good Progress Award is given based on the extent of
his improvement in his school’s overall examinations of the year, over
the previous year.
The awards are given to a maximum of 10% of students in each level
and stream in every school from Primary 2 onwards. Students in Primary 1
are excluded from the scheme as there is no basis for comparison. Your
child will be selected by his school for this award at the end of the
year if he meets the criteria.
The value of the awards are as follows:
- $100 for Primary 2 to 3
- $150 for Primary 4 to 6
- $200 for Secondary 1 to 5
- $250 for Pre-U 1 to 3
- $400 for Institute of Technical Education (ITE)
囝囝除了拿到奬狀, 還有S$100的支票.
議員頒奬前先致詞. 這議員非常勤力, 每星期都會到區內不同地方做家訪, 上次來我家時, 見到細佬, 一聽到細佬的英文名, 就能立刻說出經文出處: "Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit..", 所以我對他的印象很不錯.
這天領奬的有92個學生, 來自不同學校, 由小二至大學都有, 頒發奬項有奬學金, 助學生, 品行奬等等. 有興趣知多點的, 可以到教育部網站.
議員頒奬前先致詞. 這議員非常勤力, 每星期都會到區內不同地方做家訪, 上次來我家時, 見到細佬, 一聽到細佬的英文名, 就能立刻說出經文出處: "Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit..", 所以我對他的印象很不錯.
這天領奬的有92個學生, 來自不同學校, 由小二至大學都有, 頒發奬項有奬學金, 助學生, 品行奬等等. 有興趣知多點的, 可以到教育部網站.
學生和家長要分開坐的, 學生坐前面方便上台, 家長們坐後面. 但organizer的安排有點怪, 給學生的椅子數目和家長的幾乎一樣. 他們不知道一個學生會至少有父母同來嗎? 有些連姨媽姑姐外公外婆祖父母總動員捧場, 有很多家長親戚們在後面被罰站. 我去完教會穿着高跟鞋罰站了一個多小時, 腳痛死了!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:46:22]多謝鼓勵! 希望佢繼續努力.
well done, gor gor !
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:46:17]多謝鼓勵! 希望佢繼續努力.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:46:46]多謝鼓勵! 希望佢繼續努力.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:46:04]多謝鼓勵! 希望佢繼續努力.
Gor Gor : well done and congratulations
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:45:59]多謝鼓勵! 希望佢繼續努力.
咁好ge! 議員都好親民啊!祝仔仔繼續努力有好成績~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:45:50]宜家反對聲音越來越多, 議員們唔勤力少少, 下次大選輸俾反對黨就慘啦.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:43:32]多謝鼓勵! 希望佢繼續努力.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:43:03]多謝你! 希望佢繼續努力.
[版主回覆01/31/2013 11:42:31]哈哈, 每個地方都有好同唔好既地方既.
ReplyDelete[TANG C 9回覆02/02/2013 01:10:36]所以如果政府真係要施政要經過一段幾長既時間,同d區議員角力先做到野,會浪費左好多時間,拖慢晒d進度!
[版主回覆02/01/2013 10:19:40]如果咩都反對既, 政府又點施政呢?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/04/2013 11:54:44]多謝鼓勵, 希望佢繼續努力啦.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆03/28/2013 13:27:45]進步奬咋.