Monday 29 November 2010

泰式風味南瓜湯 (附食譜)


上次她問我南瓜可以點煮, 咁我就即刻第二日就煮南瓜湯諗住post, 但撞啱囝囝生日, 所以拖到依家先post. 

我呢碗係參考泰菜食譜書的, 因為要遷就Daddy和囝囝們就走辣.

我用蝦殼和江魚仔來淆湯, 跟住加入乾葱碎(shallots)和蝦膏, 攪勻, 加入南瓜(切大塊), 煮至南瓜淋後才加入蝦, 用魚露來調味.  上桌前加入basil和黑胡椒.  應該用Thai basil但我當時冇, 就用了自家種的sweet basil, 影相就靚, 但唔多對味, 下次都係要用番Thai basil先得.

Meimei, 呢個就係我既簡化煮法, 希望你鐘意啦. 

原食譜用butternut squash, 我換成南瓜. 份量我冇跟食譜, 因我嗰時未買泰國蝦膏, 用了李x記的, 所以鹹度唔同, 魚露份量就自己因.

Northern butternut squash soup

1 butternut squash, about 300g
1 litre vegetable stock
90 g green beans, cut into 1 inch picecs
45 g dried banana flower, optional
1 tbsp Thai fish sauce
225 g raw prawns
small bunch of fresh basil

For chili paste
115 g shallots, sliced
10 drained bottled green peppercorns
1 small fresh green chilli, seeded and finely chopped
1/2 tsp shrimp paste

1.  Peel the butternut squash and cut in half.  Remove seeds and cut into cubes.  Set aside.
2. Make the chili paste by pounding the shallots, peppercorns, chilli and shrimp paste together using a mortar and pestle or pureeing them in a spice blender.
3. Heat the stock gently in a large pan, then stir in the chilli paste.  Add the squash, bean and banana flower, if using.  Bring to the boil and cook for 15 minutes.*
4. Add the fish sauce, prawns and basil. Bring to simmering point, then simmer for 3 minutes. 

* green beans係指四季豆(French beans), 滾十五分鐘我諗會耐咗啲, 滾三分鐘就差唔多, 要脆身定淋身, 你哋自已決定啦. 


  1. never try this soup before, I would imagine it is very rich in flavour.......
    [版主回覆11/29/2010 14:43:00]actually it's not very rich, the amount of shrimp paste is quite little but it's quite special.

  2. 謝謝你呀,呢個湯,我會試下煮,想問,如果懶唔整chilli paste,就咁加一隻隻chilli得唔得架?會唔會唔同味道架?
    [版主回覆11/29/2010 14:46:00]應該ok既, 如果係我我都唔會去整個chilli paste, 因為我冇石磨亦無spice blender.    我今次都係將啲葱頭剁到好碎就加入去.

  3. (Empty)
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 14:52:00]It's simple and tasty.

  4. 好味呀  
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 14:53:00]做法都好簡單.

  5. 你個湯...好靚呀...  好味既野,如果有個靚樣,係會食得更加開心架!!!
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 14:54:00]呢張相我好鐘意, 咁啱啲顏色夾埋好靚, 我煮啲嘢好少何影得咁靚架.  啲食物樣靚係會加分好多.

  6. Yummy Yummy! I love pumpkin!
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 14:55:00]This soup is simple and tasty.

  7. 未試過咁整呀~
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 14:56:00]咁就試吓啦, 都幾特別架, 我都係第一次加蝦膏落湯度煮.


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