Tuesday 19 January 2010


星期日晚餐未必係我煮, 但都常都係我打骰.

星期六响街市買既釀豆腐, 白灼生菜, 老火湯, 仲驚唔夠餸, 諗來諗去, 再加味咩好呢?

開冰箱發現一盒急凍紐西蘭青口, 就簡簡單整蒜蓉牛油焗青口. 

做法好簡單, 只需將蒜蓉混合軟化牛油(係軟身, 唔係溶化), 再加啲香草碎(parsley, oregano 之類, 隨意), 鹽和黑胡椒調味.  青口解凍後, 放在焗盆上, 在毎隻青口上放一團蒜蓉牛油, 用160度焗7-10分鐘至熟.  今次我用喜瑪拉雅山粉紅鹽來調味.

Daddy 食完第一隻青口, 就讚好味, 仲話我應該多啲入廚煮飯,  聽得我幾開心. 

好耐冇煲過靚湯, 平時都係煲乜瓜物瓜既湯, 所以趁星期日係屋企煲返煲靚湯.  呢煲係太子參螺頭雞湯, 用咗兩隻雞既骨嚟煲, 好甜.  媽咪話太子參有益, 不過我唔記得有咩益嘞.    為咗見到啲料, 所以特登放少啲湯嚟影.


仲有呢碟蠔油炆釀豆腐, 先煎香再加水和蠔油炆, 有釀茄子, 釀苦瓜, 釀豆卜, 釀實豆腐.....好味又下飯既一味餸.


三餸一湯既晚餐其實除咗青口外, 全部都係姐姐既作品, 當然煲湯料係我預備定再叫佢煲, 因為煲湯嗰三個鐘我係陪緊大少响飛禽公園玩.


  1. "仲話我應該多啲入廚煮飯"  see see, you now have the motivation , go get him... start cooking n baking....
    [版主回覆01/19/2010 14:53:00]Haha, I didn't write what he said after that - "I meant you should do more cooking in the kitchen but not baking cake". 

  2.  Maybe he doesn't have a sweet tooth? Daddy Dearest also prefer savory that is why he wants Ham n Cheese buns all the time; but he likes my cheesecake.  Find out why or what your hubby likes, then TRAIN him slowly
    [版主回覆01/21/2010 14:02:00]Actually he likes sweet things, but he's improving, he's been asking for my cake after dinner, maybe he's read my complaints on the blog. 


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