Wednesday 10 March 2010


上星期一個朋友猛話想整pandan chiffon, 搞到我都手痕.

星期六下晝決定開工整, 揾咗大少奶既食譜.

嗰晚要去Mommy Dearest度食飯, 諗住整好帶去做手信.  第一次整, 一定要自己試吓先俾得人食, 所以就一次過整兩個.

整時朋友亦來湊熱鬧, 佢想整但其實連sponge cake 同 chiffon cake 都分唔清, 所以要我示範佢睇.

一路整, 佢一路話點解唔綠, 話駛唔駛加colouring.  我堅持全天然, 所以出來顏色比較淡.  焗時好香, 但試食後覺得食到發粉味, 於是就冇帶去俾Mommy Dearest. 

奇怪地第二日再食時又食唔到發粉味喎, 只係斑蘭香味唔夠濃,  下次要加多啲斑蘭葉.


其實係淺綠色, 不過影相睇唔出.


  1. 我鐘意食雪芳蛋糕, 因為夠鬆. 但大少至怕, 佢話食左好似無食咁, 一樣咁肚餓.
    [版主回覆03/10/2010 20:26:00]就係"食左好似無食咁" 先係重點, 感覺冇咁肥嘛, 自己呃自己都好. 

  2. 其實我都唔知sponge cake 同 chiffon cake有咩分別喎!
    [版主回覆03/11/2010 12:06:00]Mommy Dearest 己經答咗啦.

  3. I also like all natural.  I think you can skip baking powder, it will still rise.
    [版主回覆03/11/2010 12:07:00]These days I skip the cream of tartare, and reduce the baking powder.  I'm still not brave enough to completely skip b.p. yet.  For this pandan chiffon, because I was making it the first time so I just followed the recipe. 

  4. Yahoo ATE my long reply ! 
    Was saying wish you brought it, would have loved to try your chiffon cake!
    Ti answer Ms Yeung Yeung's question: chiffon actually was invented by a Californian bakery many years ago, but they dont call it by that name anymore, and normally call it sponge cake nowadays. 
    The HK sponge cake that we know actually can be made in two ways - "whole egg method" or "yolk/white separate method" ; chiffon is the "yolk/white separate method" and should use the fold in method n baked with a chiffon mold so more heat can pull the cake up in the shortest time to get its light texture. 
    [版主回覆03/11/2010 12:11:00]I didn't know that chiffon has such a history.    I only know that the usual way I distinguish the two is that sponge contains butter while chiffon contains oil.  Also sponge usually contains just flour, sugar, eggs and butter can be omitted.  Chiffon contains more liquid and thus is more moist and the texture is much lighter than sponge.
    I feel that something is amiss in the original recipe so I'm going to work on it further to see if I can get the chiffon that I like.

  5. Mommy Dearest, forgot to say - I'll bring you my pandan chiffon once I get it right. 


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