Wednesday 7 April 2010

日本行(3) - 京都

第二日係星期六, 唔駛開工, 係唯一去觀光的一天.

酒店唔包早餐, 所以朝早到梅田站的麵包舖買包包做早餐. 


外觀好吸引, 最主要係啲cream上面朵櫻花吸引我買.  裏面好有層次, 有櫻花餡, 好似蓮蓉咁, 中間有粒mochi, 煙煙韌韌, 呢個combination好得意.  個包都好好食, 唯一唔鐘意既係上面吸引我嗰朵櫻花, 醃得好咸呀!

早餐過後就要上路到京都, 波士做導遊帶我去.  坐火車去大概要一個鐘左右.

到京都係全程用行既, 波士帶路, 所以我都唔知邊度打邊度.  路上見到兩個著和服既女仔, 好kawaii, 快手偷影佢哋.  後尾聽到佢哋講廣東話, 原來係香港人嚟架. 老實唔客氣走上前同佢哋傾計, 仲影張合照哩. 

原來佢哋係响日本留學, 套和服係租既, 唔駛6000yen, 包化粧造型添.  啲和服好靚呀, 可惜同波士一齊, 如果唔係我實去租件粉紅色嚟著吓. 

我哋最終目標係去清水寺, 途經幾間不知名的寺廟.


尤其喜歡呢條林蔭小道, 影之前有個傳統日本歐巴桑在前面慢慢行, 如果影低張相就會好perfect, 但前面個女遊人檔住咗, 影唔到.

去清水寺途中要上山, 突然見到好多人影, 我又影埋一份, 棵樹其實係咪櫻花呢?

以我既為食本色, 無可能行咁耐都未食嘢既. 

有間製腐皮的小舖, 賣200 yen一小碟的新鮮腐皮,  唔試點得?  真係唔可以更新鮮, 因為即叫店員即由大盆豆漿中撩條出嚟, 再加少少日本豉油, 唔算好好食, 但好得意.  我波士冇食, 但帮我拎住隻碟俾我影相.

嗜牛既波士一見到牛肉牛蒡包就雙眼發光, 我哋一人買一個嚟食, 300 yen 一個, 熱辣辣好正.

經過一間舖頭專賣猫造型的擺設, 外面放了兩隻猫公仔趴係櫥窗邊, 好得意呀!  波士第一反應係: eeee!  俾佢吹漲!  轉個頭有幾個日本人經過, 好大聲講: "Kawaii".  呵呵呵, 有知音, 太好嘞. 

途中亦踫到好多作傳統打扮既日本男女, 唔知係咪咩節期呢?  呢兩個女仔仲會停低俾人影相.



  1. nice!
    [版主回覆04/08/2010 20:54:00](Empty)

  2. I would like to try the牛肉牛蒡包啊!
    Oh ya, I bought a box of 燕皮at Yue Hwa but I found it rather difficult to handle.  How did you handle it? 
    [版主回覆04/08/2010 20:59:00]You have to unfold it carefully, like opening up a book, then the skin will crack a little at the fold and you can just cut along the fold using a sharp knife (just told two ends of the knife and press down once will do).  Then you'll have rectangles of the size of two wanton skin, so you just cut them into half again using a knife.  After that, you lay them out one by one, use a spray bottle or just use your hand to spinkle some water on each of them.  Just wet them lightly so they're more workable (still with a bit of white part), then place filling in the middle and squeeze the skin together (like clinching your fist).  Is my explanation alright?  If not, I can show you when we meet next time.

  3. 牛肉牛蒡包啊! So special, I wish I can go for business trip to Japan in March! So beautiful the Sakura flower!
    [版主回覆04/14/2010 14:42:00]That pao was yummy.  Wonder if we can get 牛蒡 here.  It would have been better if I had gone there in Apr.


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