Sunday 27 December 2009

Boxing Day (忌廉焗薯食譜)

聖誕節太多節目, 所以blog都要休息幾日. 

噚日終於去完今年聖誕的最後一個聚會, 今日生活回復正常.  佳節期間暴飲暴食, 今日要開始要食番少d啦.

Boxing Day 小朋友最開日既日子, 一早大仔就問: 'Is it Boxing Day today?' 跟住就拆禮物, 不過我話要影相先, 所以佢就一副不耐煩既樣. 

大仔契爺由德國寄來的Scout set, 有望遠鏡, 指南針, 電筒, 和一個袋仔, 全部都真係用得架.

仲有其他禮物如食物盒, 顏色筆之類.  細佬都好開心, 有架德國來的tractor and trailer, 照實物比例做的, 結果兩兄弟不停咁爭來玩. 下次要叫佢契爺送一式兩樣好了, 費事爭.

契爺寄來的禮物包裝好有心思, 毎份都貼上可愛的聖誕公仔, 我留下來做紀念.

噚晚去了朋友屋企聚餐, 主人家預備了美味火雞, 火腿, 其他毎個家庭帶一樣食物, 我整 Gratin Dauphinois (忌廉焗薯片).

Gratin Dauphinois 非常容易做, 很適合 party, 因為預備好放入焗爐就攪掂.  去聚餐前要陪大少去學琴, 來回加上堂時間剛好個半鐘.  預先將薯片砌入gratin dish, 放入焗爐出門, 學完琴剛好.

食譜取自十年前生日時英國朋友送給我的 Delia Smith's Complete Cookery Course 一書.此書成六百幾頁, 好多好多食譜, 全部都有清楚解釋, 是我最愛的食譜書.

Gratin Dauphinois

(serves 3-4 people)


1 磅 (450 g) 薯仔

1 小瓣蒜頭, 切碎

150 ml double cream

150 ml milk

freshly grated nutmeg

25 g 牛油

1. Preheat oven to 150 C.

2. Peel the potatoes and slice them very thinly, plunge them into a bowl of cold water to get rid of some of the starch.

3. Dry the potato slices thoroughly in a clean tea cloth.

4. In a gratin dish arrange a layer of potato slices, a sprinkling of crushed garlic, pepper and salt, and then another layer of potatoes and seasoning, repeat.

5. Mix the cream and milk together, pour it over the potatoes, sprinkle with a little grated nutmeg, then add the butter in flecks over the surface, bake on the highest shelf in the oven for 1.5 hours.

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