Monday 28 June 2010


收到喇!  好開心呀, 想擁有好耐的DVD終於到手喇!

趁家陣英磅跌咗, 响英國網站Presto Classical訂, 連郵費都比amazon未包郵費前平.

恨咗好耐, 就係佢嘞 - The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte) at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden.

星期六一收到就即刻拆嚟睇, 奈何有其他事要辦要出門, 仲未可以一氣呵成睇晒成個劇. 不過兩個囝囝自己喺屋企就已經睇完, 仲好鐘意添.

成個production, 由唱功到舞台設計都非常出色, 如果可以現塲睇就更正.

Diana Damrau 完美演繹Der Hölle Rache, 太太太精采了.

噚日下晝又再睇, 睇到忘記焗緊黑啤包, 結果包包面焗到黑晒, 好彩未燶, 仲食得.


  1. 呢個算唔算係musical??我好like睇musical架~
    [版主回覆06/28/2010 16:10:00]呢個係Opera, classical 啲, musical 比較pop music 啲. opera同musical我都鐘意.

  2. I love to watch Opera too. The title I watch once in Singapore but with different team. I find it is hardly find opera to watch in Singapore. I miss HK as I can watch opera every year during the art festival time.
    [版主回覆08/17/2010 16:17:00]I knew the Magic Flute was shown recently in Singapore with an Asian cast.  I was quite tempted at first but after seeing the excellent performance in this DVD, I decided against booking tickets.  I don't want to feel disappointed.  The opera in Singapore is usually organised by the Singapore Lyric Opera and it's usually around once every two years. 


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